Author: Milán Auman

Lightning – what is the most likely direction that this area is heading towards?

Light is something many people currently are unable to imagine their existence without. Without light bulbs and other similar inventions we would have to live according to the rhythm of nature – waking up at sunrises and sleeping at dawn. Despite the fact that it is likely to be quite healthy, we ought to keep in mind that the globe in its progress has become so intense so far that some changes are irreversible.
lightning industry
Author: Jaroslav Dvorský

Increasing importance of ecology as a factor that substantially impacts the pace of progress of the lightning industry

Increasingly often people contemporarily tend to say that the technological progress is quite impressive. For older people it is sometimes even too rapid and it is considered to be complicated for them to know how to deal with new devices available on the market. This is something very positive, because in most cases a variety of our demands can be fulfilled quite quickly as well as with lower use of miscellaneous resources.
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